Open-Air Cinema -  ANIMAR 20

Atividades Didáticas

ANIMAR 20 - Open-Air Cinema

The 20th edition of ANIMAR is coming up, and the Educational Service of Curtas Metragens C. R. L. is all set to bring animated cinema to the whole school community in the Northern region! Mark your calendars for the open-air cinema happening at Solar – Cinematic Art Gallery on Friday, June 6th. It’s going to be a super fun time!



June 6th · 9.30 PM
Solar – Cinematic Art Gallery

Tickets available shortly.


André Carrilho · 2024 · Portugal · ANI · 8’

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was always distracted. With her eyes fixed on her phone, she couldn't notice the world around or who wanted to play with her.



Joana Nogueira, Patrícia Rodrigues · Portugal · 2024 · ANI, DOC · 12′

The inability to stop, to sit still or be quiet, the feeling that they are trapped in themselves, are some of the experiences reported by children diagnosed with ADHD. An inner journey through their universe, where they struggle with their own view of the world and with what is expected of them. Through a suffocating succession of cyclical events, shaped by a robotic hand, an allegory is presented about the mind and behaviour of these children.



Vicente Nirō · 2024 · Portugal · ANI, 11’

In a city that was once typically Portuguese, codfish has been replaced by avocado salad, trees by cranes and historic centers by gourmet restaurants. The noise of the wheels of the tourists' trolleys is now the city's soundtrack. A real estate agent tries to persuade customers to rent tiny flats, even if it means evicting the people who live there.


Dimitri Mihajlovic, Miguel Lima · 2023 · Portugal · ANI · 9’

A woman wanders through the impermanence of her childhood memories, trying to rebuild the story of the house where her grandfather lived.



Maria Trigo Teixeira · 2024 · Portugal, Germany · ANI · 11′

Feeling that her mother may no longer be able to live on her own, a woman moves back to her childh


The Girl with the Occupied Eyes (2024), André Carrilho

Once upon a time there was a little girl who was always distracted. With her eyes fixed on her phone, she couldn't notice the world around or who wanted to play with her.

It Shouldn't Rain Tomorrow (2024), Maria Trigo Teixeira

Feeling that her mother may no longer be able to live on her own, a woman moves back to her childhood home. As she tries to adapt to the new situation, her mother continues to drift away.

Almost Forgotten (2023), Dimitri Mihajlovic + Miguel Lima

A woman wanders through the impermanence of her childhood memories, trying to rebuild the story of the house where her grandfather lived.

T-Zero (2024), Vicente Nirō

A real estate agent tries to persuade customers to rent tiny apartments, even if it means evicting the people who live there.

Three Comma Fourteen (2024), Joana Nogueira + Patrícia Nogueira

An inner journey on the condition of children diagnosed with ADHD that struggle with their own vision of the world and what is expected from them. An allegory about the mind and behavior of these children.


How can I sign up my class/school for Curtas Metragens CRL's Educational Service activities?

To register your class/school for our activities, simply send an email to or fill our registration form.

For whom are these activities intended?

To everyone!

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